Chores Made Easy with “One + Done” Chore Sticks

It’s back to school time and that means I have to get my house in order! For me, that also means putting systems in place that actually work! Chores are an unpopular topic in our house, I’m sure you can relate, but I have a plan!

We’re using “One + Done Sticks” to get one, age-appropriate task done per day, per child. In the past, I’ve always set a five minute timer on our Alexa to help us track our time, this year I’m making it even more fun. I created an Amazon Music Playlist that consists of kid-friendly songs that are approximately 5 minutes long. It’s that simple! I think 5 minutes of chores while a fun/relaxing song plays will be the best way to take a brain break after a long day at school. Because Clark and Penelope helped come up with the chores on their sticks, they’re already getting excited and trying them out everyday.

I’m sharing the jar tags I created as a FREE download for you to try with your own kiddos at home. Also, I’m making our playlist of 5-minute songs available if you wanna give it a listen!

FREE download “One + Done Tags”

Easily print this document in color on cardstock and then apply with tape.

Access our 5-Minute Song Amazon Music Playlist

Thanks, Jamie xo

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