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A Little Girly Garden Party

All my sweet Penelope Sue had to say was, “I want a butterfly party momma”. This was enough to put me into full “Garden Party Planning Mode”! It’s just the way I’m wired. In a matter of moments, thoughts of butterflies led to flowers, led to garden gnomes, led to everything you see here! I absolutely loved the way this party turned out, it just FELT good! After all… you only turn 3 once!

I kept the decor simple by using fresh flowers throughout the house.

Tip: Don’t forget about decor in the bathroom. Placing a small vase of flowers in the guest bathroom makes a world of difference!

Reusing vases and mason jars help keep the cost down without compromising the look. A garden party can be eclectic, so just use what you have!

By the end of the day, we had one happy three year old. Kid’s birthdays can be so much fun to plan and decorate if you keep the focus on them. Consider what makes your child feel special, the colors they love and the decor they associate with a birthday party.

You can plan the most chic party for your child, but at the end of the day, if it doesn’t look the way they believe a birthday party should look, they are not going to feel like it was for them!

If they insist on a character or a color, go with it! There are plenty of ways to make parties feel custom! One thing I always do is focus on the cake and the favors/guest gifts.

The cake! For our garden party, we chose a strawberry molded cake with fresh flowers and fruit. We added edible butterflies. It was very custom, delicious and most importantly… she loved it!

Favors! The favors/guest gifts were unique and fun for everyone! Each guest potted their own flower to take home! It was so simple to get a stack of mini plastic pots, dump a bag of potting soil in a bucket, and pick up a flat of perennials! Nobody needs another plastic bag full of themed junk and candy, let’s be honest!

We set up a little station under the carport and let them at it! Remember… keep…it…simple!

For more party ideas and decor inspiration follow me on Pinterest, Facebook & Instagram!

Thanks for stopping by, Jamie xo

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