Summer Made Easy – tips for a relaxing summer with kids
Summer is always something I look forward to as a mom, (probably from my days as a teacher…) but it doesn’t come without its challenges. Having my children home 24 hours a day is an adjustment, and can be miserable without some structure and rhythms to keep everything running smoothly, and everyone happy (most of the time!).
This summer I compiled a list of things we do in our home, and ways we are making this summer fun and peaceful. Here are a few of our ideas.
Make a “summer bucket list”!
We got together and made a list of things we want to do as a family before the summer is over. We thought of small, simple things, as well as vacations and big ideas, experiences, and more! We’ll check them off as the summer goes on.
I’ve found that making a master list like this cuts down on boredom, and helps me as a mom intentionally plan fun things without the days just passing me by.

Create a chore/responsibility system.
When it comes to helping out around the house, we keep it simple, but take it very seriously. Since I’m not the only one living in our home for the summer, I won’t be the only one caring for our home this summer. 😉 We make messes together, we pick up together… We eat dinner on the patio together, we clean up together… We change in and out of our swimsuits all day, we tend to our laundry together… and the list goes on!
Our little system comes from a tradition that is used at the kids’ school. We work together to earn “house points”. As a family we’re working to earn enough house points to go on a trip. For us, it’s 10,000 points. Individually, the kids are earning house points for the family, but also want to be the “weekly winner” to choose the restaurant where we eat during that weekend.

I don’t assign them specific chores or tasks, I just ask them to help with what needs to be done at the time. “House points” are earned by completing your task WITHOUT COMPLAINING! So simple, but so effective! Giving them the control over what we’re already doing, is gold!

This is nothing new if you’ve been a around here a while, but I had to mention it! At least once, sometimes twice a day, we do a 5-minute pick up, all of us together. We set a timer for 5 minutes and everyone picks things up and puts them away. We start by taking care of our own stuff that we left out, and then help each other as time allows. We usually do this quickly before we leave the house, or before we start something new for the day. (Quiet time, board game/puzzle, screen time, etc.)
Make snacks accessible.
When I make things safely accessible in my home, my kids need me less, and feel empowered to make their own choices. Snacks rule the summer at our house, so I make them “healthy-ish” and accessible! A low pantry basket and a designated fridge drawer is all it takes. Sometimes I have to repackage things for easier access, but it’s that simple!! If you’re concerned about too much snacking, set a snack alarm on your phone or Alexa to let the kids know when they can get one.
Limit cups!
Ok let’s talk cups! During the summertime, cups show up in places all over the house! Every time I turn around there’s another cup… it adds up to so many dishes! This summer each kiddo has been getting one spill-proof thermos to refill water throughout the day. ONE! At meals they have a milk or juice option, but one thermos full of water works for the day!

Schedule alone time and/or date nights.
Getting time alone as a momma, (or as a couple), isn’t as easy to come by in the summer, but it’s just as important. Taking time to choose dates and schedule family or babysitters ahead is a great way to navigate tons of time spent with the kiddos. For me, it gives me something on the calendar to look forward to, which helps me to appreciate and enjoy the time I DO spend with my children during the long summer days. I recommend one afternoon per week alone, and a couple of date nights a month.

If we were chatting over coffee I know we could think of more ways to help keep summer enjoyable for everyone, so send me some ideas! Comment below and let me know what you and your family do, I’d also love to hear your “bucket list” ideas as well.
Thanks for stopping by, Jamie xo