Easy DIY Designer-look Personalized Duffle Bags
I’ve seen some adorable bags with cute chenille letters all over Instagram and Pinterest lately. I thought my girls (age 5 and age 2) would love them! When I started to shop for them, I found out they’re much too pricey for my budget and really not worth it in my opinion.
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XO, Jamie

When I looked a little closer I got an idea to try to make them myself. I ordered cute duffles from Amazon and found an Etsy shop that sold the chenille letters. Once the letters arrived, I got to work! They were so simple. Here’s the breakdown of what you’ll need:
Duffle/makeup bag/tote of your choice
Chenille letters (allow one month for them to arrive from the uk)

1. Choose the card stock and letter combo, glue letters to card stock allowing plenty of space on all sides.

2. Carefully cut card stock approximately 1/8 inch around each letter.

3. Apply fabric hot glue to the back of letters and quickly glue them to the bag. (Tip: fabric hot glue sets quicker than traditional hot glue. There is very little option to move the letter around once you stick it on.)

4. Let glue cool and inspect the letters. Add glue where needed!
Update: I linked the letters I used above, but I recently found this iron-on option too! (I cannot verify the quality)

Thanks for stopping by, Jamie xo