Organizing Like a Pro – featuring Taylor, owner of “In Its Place Organizing”

There is so much joy that comes from a well-organized space. Think about the last time you were in someone’s home or office that was “organized”. Maybe it’s your own space!

I know for me, when I am surrounded by organization, I feel better about everything. Something about tidiness motivates me to be more productive in a lot of different areas. When my refrigerator is freshly cleaned out and tidy, I am more likely to eat the healthy foods in it. When the playroom is picked up, I am more likely to sit on the floor and play with the kids. When my car is clutter-free I’m in a better mood. So for me, organization is a must!

According to a Cornell University study from 2016, stress triggered by clutter may also trigger coping and avoidance strategies, like eating junk food, oversleeping or binge-watching Netflix.

Getting organized is a lot easier said than done. That’s exactly why I decided to partner with the owner and creator of “In It’s Place Organizing”, a Southwest Louisiana based organizing service. Taylor Thibodeaux, is a dear friend and former co-worker of mine. Back when we taught elementary school together, I always admired the organization in her classroom. I could walk in at any given time and her room was tidy and running efficiently. (Quite a feat with a class of 26 4th graders!) Needless to say, I was thrilled when she announced she was starting her own business centered around just that. She’s passionate about helping mamas just like me and you, get and stay organized in our homes, businesses, classrooms and everywhere in between!

Taylor, mom of 2 little ones, officially started “In It’s Place Organizing” in September 2019. In the months since, she has been busier than she ever imagined! Her clients love having her there for all steps of the organizing process and have been extremely satisfied with their new and improved spaces.

It may sound cliche, but nothing makes me happier than being able to help someone in a way that they can’t help themselves. I get so motivated to go into a home or workplace and make it better than it was before. The teacher and busy mom in me functions off of being organized, and I just want that for everyone!


One of the most common problems Taylor sees women facing is a problem of maintenance. They often “organize” a space, but fail to maintain the organization in that area. I know I can relate! Taylor believes this happens because the space was tidy, but not technically organized, meaning it may look nice, but there’s no “plan” to keep it that way. Because she sees this as a common issue, she is sharing her pro tips with all of us to help us avoid the headache of disorganization!

I’m going to be organizing along side while I write. I’m tackling our teeny tiny toy closet. You know the “oh crap someone’s coming over throw all the toys in” closet! Yep! That one! I’m going to be using all of Taylor’s tips and giving you some along the way too. Let’s get started!

Pro Tip 1: Purge!

Don’t waste time organizing stuff that you don’t want or need. Go through and throw away or donate items BEFORE you create a plan to organize. For example, throw out expired food, puzzles without all the pieces, dried out makeup, or personal items you don’t use anymore. Donate or sell clothes and toys that don’t fit or the kids have outgrown.

Just purging is making me feel better already! I was able to box up some great baby toys for donation and throw away a torn book, a couple of broken toys and a headless doll!

Pro Tip 2: Categorize

Taylor always groups “like” items before deciding on the best way to store them. For example, making piles of items to be stored together helps you know what type and size container you’ll need for storage, plus storing “like” items together is practical and functional!

I decided to group my items by child. When we do 5-minute pick up downstairs, everyone is responsible for their own things, so I thought this would make it easy for the kids to find their names quickly and put away their toys. Plus, I don’t ever know what type of toy will make its way downstairs, so labeling that way would be tough.

Pro Tip 3: Measure

Once the piles are complete and all items are categorized, it’s time to make it all fit. Taylor recommends measuring the shelf / cabinet / drawer to make sure you purchase the most functional type of storage containers. Before shopping for a storage solution, consider: the size of each pile (how much quantity needs to fit inside), the size of the unit that will be holding it (measure depth, width, and height), how often the items will be accessed (container with a lid vs. an open basket for easy access). All of these factors are important and will directly affect how well you’re able to maintain the organization.

I am using the same organizing unit I’ve always had. Clark and P, the big kids, each get two storage cubes plus a few shelves, and Daisy, the baby, gets her rolling toy basket (which she loves!) One of the reasons I stick with a smaller unit, is because I don’t want too much piling up downstairs. The playroom is upstairs, so this closet is only intended to store a few toys at a time. If the storage was too good, we’d keep too much in it! I always tell the kids, “If it doesn’t fit in the toy closet, it goes upstairs!”

I bagged up Clark and Penelope’s toys to go upstairs so they’re easy to carry. They’ll put them away in their rooms and I can reuse the bag!

Pro Tip 4: Label

Taylor recommends labeling everything you can! She finds that clients are much more likely to put items back in the correct place if it is labeled.

“Nobody is intentionally going to put something in a bin that doesn’t match the label, not even a child. Why would they put a puzzle in a box labeled “trucks”, especially if there’s a box labeled “puzzles” on the same shelf! They just aren’t gonna do it!”


Depending on the storage container, Taylor has found many different ways to label. She’s used everything from vinyl lettering for clear, plastic containers to rustic chalkboard signs for baskets. It’s all up to you and your style, but keep it functional.

In our toy closet, I used dry-erase clip-on labels that I already had. Functional and practical!

Bloom tip: Use a wet-erase marker on dry-erase surfaces when you don’t want it to smudge, but want it to be easily changed or non-permanent.


Pro Tip 5: Upkeep

It’s important to address the fact that the space MUST be maintained in order to keep it functional! Taylor recommends keeping up with it daily and then tidying up and re-purging as needed. It’s not a “one and done”. Organization is a lifestyle, and doing it once isn’t enough!

I’m going to commit to maintaining neatness and order in the toy closet and actually teaching the kids to do it too, instead of just doing it myself. It’s a space that is small and I’m not too particular about, so I think it’s a good place to teach them about organizing and storing their things. I don’t have a lot of their items stored using labels in the rest of the house, and none with their names, so I think they’ll like having their “own” box of things.

Pro Supplies:

Taylor loves using clear storage containers. She likes the idea of knowing exactly what’s in there and I agree! Obviously, you wouldn’t use them if you’re styling shelves or wanting them to blend with your decor, but for a space that is for function (pantry, under sink, cabinet, closet, office, etc.) they are her go-to!

She also loves a good lazy Susan! She uses them in all different ways to keep smaller items together and visible. They’re great in the fridge, pantry and under the sink!

I had such a great time learning from Taylor and working with her. If you are in need of an expert’s help, she’s your gal! She has many satisfied customers all over the SWLA area and is eager to help any and everyone she can. Scroll to the bottom of this page to check out some of the spaces she’s organized. To make an appointment for Taylor to see your space, be sure to email her at and follow her business page on Instagram and Facebook.

Thanks for stopping by, Jamie xo

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