A Little Daisy Growing Wild & Free – Daisy + honeybee first birthday
Our Daisy was born in June of 2018 and just celebrated her first birthday this summer! She is named Daisy James after my daddy’s momma, Mamaw, and my daddy, James (Jim) & me! She adds so much to our family and we thank God for her EVERY day!
In the future, our girls Penelope (4) and Daisy (1) will celebrate their birthdays together with one big party. This year, we opted to celebrate Daisy with her own party since it was her first. What better way to make her day special, than a daisy & honeybee themed party?! I had so much fun with this one and really tried to make it special while keeping it simple!
Daisies are like sunshine to the ground.
Drew Barrymore

This party was pretty simple and easy to put together. Not pictured are the guest favors. We sent everyone home with a ready-to-grow pot of daisy seeds. I actually picked them up around Easter from Target in the dollar section.
Party planning advice I would give you is:
1. Keep it simple! (whatever that means for you) What I see as “keeping it simple”, some probably see as “over-the-top” and that’s okay! Figure out what works and go with it!
2. Stick to a budget! This is key. Setting a budget and honoring it is so important on so many levels. It keeps the hubs happy, the party remains a blessing and not a burden, and there’s nothing negative tied to it (like a credit card bill the following month). One thing we have always done, while the kids have been little…is… brace yourself… we don’t give them birthday gifts! Ever! Never have yet anyway! So far, their parties are their gifts. The opportunity to have all the people they love in one place has been their gift! The budget we set would include their gift, so we’ve made a decision to have a more lavish party instead of buying another “something” that will break and/or be forgotten! Get this…. they’ve never even noticed! After they climb the mountain of gifts at their party, they don’t notice that nothing said “from Mom and Dad”. This has worked for us and has been a big budget saver!
3. Ask the child’s input… and listen! Obviously this has to be age appropriate. I start asking them around age 2. Clark had no opinion whatsoever until turning age 6. His first birthday party matched his nursery décor…Pirates! Second was a vintage carnival, third was a train theme, fourth was outer space, fifth was Legos, sixth was ninja turtles and seventh was a Nerf war! He has had some epic parties! P has been a bit more opinionated (I have no idea where she gets that from btw). Her first birthday was watermelon themed, second was flamingos, third was a garden party (check it out here) and fourth was an old fashioned tea party! So far, character-themed parties haven’t been something they have wanted (we don’t have cable and they rarely watch tv, even when I want them to!) There are so many ways to make silly-themed birthday parties chic! If you find yourself struggling to make something fantastic out of your child’s idea, email me at mybloomcreative@gmail.com and I may be able to spark something you haven’t thought of!
4. Make a decision and move on! This could be my anthem… for so many areas of life! Sometimes we take too long and think too much about stuff. Especially things that are meant to be fun and bring joy, like our kid’s birthday party! If you keep checking with your child about what they want, it’ll cause problems, trust me. They’ll talk about it so much they’ll change their mind a million times and so will cause some of the joy to be sucked out of the whole thing. The earlier you start planning the better! Also, it gives you time to pick up an item or two leading up to the party. You may even find things on sale. For example, I know that next year the girls will have a joint party around the Fourth of July. I’m going to keep it simple and go with that theme party. So this summer I stocked up on “4th” themed décor for 75%+ off! This type of planning really helps with budget.
I hope this post has inspired you to keep it simple. Subscribe by leaving your email and follow me on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook for more ideas, tips and DIY fun.
Thanks for stopping by, Jamie xo